Monday, 23 January 2012


Here is a list of words the boys can say:

  1. Noo = snooze
  2. Baboo = bird
  3. Dat door = lift (?!)
  4. Zhoo = shoe
  5. Baaaaa = bus
  6. Gar = car
  7. Dodo = Playdoh
  8. Eye
  9. Bye bye
  10. Uh oh
  11. Nana = banana or nose
  12. Gosh = Josh (maybe)
  13. Tea
  14. Hot
  15. Bye wee! (whenever the loo flushes)
  16. Pea
  17. Cheese
  18. hiiiiiiiii
  19. no more
  20. Ny ny = night night

Thursday, 19 January 2012