Sunday, 25 January 2015

Some random photos that never made it onto the blog

Josh & Sebastian pumpkin carving

Sebastian and the Tiger class mascot

Josh at the Hillside International Kindergarten Sports Day

Sports Day at HKFC

Everyone got a medal

Josh's Hallowe'en costume

Felix as a turtle

Weekend lunch at the Yacht Club

Half-term trip to Ocean Park

One weekend in January

25th January 2015

Had a lovely time this weekend, with friends old and new. On Friday evening Ross and I took Josh, Felix and Sebastian to Pizza Express, which is one of their favourite treats.

Josh & Felix went to tennis with Coach Cliff and Coach Glen on Saturday morning, then I took Josh to see Dr Li. It was our last appointment to follow up on Josh's finger operation. Looks like the bone still hasn't knitted together, and almost certainly never will. Then we came home and Sophie and Adrian came over with Juliette so the kids could practice their cycling together. Ross took the pedals and stabilisers off Josh's bike, in an attempt to get him to practise balancing. We had a BBQ together, the kids whizzed about on their bikes, and then played with bubbles on the roof.

In the evening we went over to a neighbour's house for Burn's Supper, complete with Yorkshire Haggis (roasted in kids' animal shaped silicon moulds!), neaps, tatties, whisky, tablet, cranach and poetry recitals. We had a fabulous evening, somehow 5 hours flew by and suddenly it was time to go home!

This morning we headed to Pret for breakfast, then off to Ngong Ping by MTR. The boys were keen to go on the cable cars again, so we did that, walked up to the Big Buddha, then got a taxi to Tai O. Had lunch at Espace Elastique, and also some yummy egg waffles from the guy on Kat Hing Street. Then a walk out to the Tai O Hotel past the stinky but fascinating shrimp paste factory, bus back to Mui Wo and ferry back to Central.