Thursday, 30 August 2012

First hockey injury - not in a team yet, and the season hasn't started...

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

I'm trying to decide between mango blonde and carrot...what do you think?

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Thursday, 16 August 2012


Necrotising fasciitis alert! Sass has a friend whose helper carked it the other day, after getting infected after swimming in DBay...he had his leg amputated but it was too late la.

Watch out for those prawns, people!


A short but fricking hilarious video of Filo and a balloon

More ballooning fun

Lei Shun Hospital

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Going to the Dark Side this afternoon with Katie and Lauren, wish us luck! Passports, visas, money all packed.

OK, I admit that Kowloon doesn't look quite like this any more. But gone are the days when Ross and I used to journey far and wide to all of Hong Kong's hottest attractions such as the Wishing Tree in Tai Po (where?!) and Kadoorie Farm, and Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Race Course Fire Memorial (random, moi?!). These days we have little people to accommodate.

Ginger and Filo (or BeBi, as he currently calls himself)

The papier mache we made on balloons

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Made this pretend pizza today with the boys

Thanks Mister Maker for the inspiration!

Only in HK?

Checking your post, fag in hand, dressed in PJs shortly after noon.

HK style

Victoria Park

Friday, 10 August 2012

Friday, 3 August 2012

Recent pics

Joshy's morning hair

Daddy and the boys

Found this book in the waiting room of our pediatrician’s clinic.

Totally age appropriate