Wednesday, 27 May 2015



There are a lot of snakes in these parts of late.....

3m-long snake captured in Sai Kung

Snake gobbles up goats and cat


Had another short but sweet weekend in Singapore, thanks to the public holiday for Buddha's birthday. Almost missed the flight because of the epic marathon journey to the outest of outlying gates for the cheapo TigerAir fights. By the time we got on the plane there was no room in the overhead lockers, so all our carefully packed hand luggage had to go in the hold anyway!

Before we even got into Singapore we nearly got deported cos we filled in the landing card in red (CANNOT!) and Ross swore very loudly in front of the immigration official who took offence.

We stayed with my BFF who has moved to the gorgeous The Cornwall, just a few minutes from where I lived with my parents in 1980-something. The condo is Balinese in style, and just as tropical, gorgeous and lush as you would expect from that description! It has a beautiful pool, a couple of thatched cabanas, lots of mangrovey trees, huge stone urns and that kind of blackened mossy look all over the shop. 

On Saturday we saw Felix's friend Maya, who used to be in Felix's class until she moved to SGP at Christmas. The kids didn't play together, but the boys both said that meeting up with her was their favourite thing of the day. 

Over at Dempsey we went to Huber's to stock up on some sustenance for the carnivores. While we were there we visited the beautiful macaws that live in a cage outside the oriental rug shop (naturally) and also the humungous fish / monster in the pond. 

On Sunday morning Jo and I got a foot massage at FootWorks in International House, then after lunch we headed to the Botanic Gardens. Where Sydney fell in the fish pond!! Ross and I grabbed her and yanked her out before she got nibbled by the terrapins, but she was very upset. She was crying "home!" and "I want a dessert!"  

Josh and Felix LOVED pushing Paige in her stroller

By Sunday evening, Sydney was calling Josh + Felix her cousins

Sunday night, we went out for dinner at The Study in Duxton Park, then on to Three Buns rooftop bar for sumptuous cocktails under the stars.

Here's a lovely shot of a taxi uncle's loooong nail, just to remind Granary and Grandpa!

On Monday we went to Baker and Cook for brekkie, and had a quick snoop around Chip Bee Gardens. We'd already booked our tickets online for the Adventure Cove Water Park on Sentosa, but when we got there we had to deal with horrendous customer service involving swapping a code for tickets, then redeeming tickets for entry tickets and so on. Anyway, eventually got in and had a great time. The boys had lots of fun, but SBF was a little too short for lots of the rides. 

The flight home was eventful as we had a bit of a barney with a not so delightful gentleman sitting in front of us...the less said the better. Landed in a thunderstorm with lightning flashing all around, thanked the Honkie gods for a super-speedy immigration lines, and hopped into a taxi in the torrential rain. 

Some more awesome accessories

A couple of artwork samples

Felix's reflection on his journey to school

Josh's self-portrait

Josh's group at school wrote a list of all the things that Tiger needed to do before school.
1. Uniform
2. Shoes
3. Lunch
4. Water bottle
5. Snack
6. Diary
7. School bag
8. Bus

Thursday, 14 May 2015