Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Arrival imminent

Granny and Granddad arrive tomorrow. The last time they were in Hong Kong, I was about 4 months pregnant, and knackered. This time, the boys are just over 18 months old, so a lot has changed! one thing that hasn't changed is our lovely abode, Lei Shit Court, sorry I mean Lei Shun Court. We have just signed a new lease for another two year term, which led us to contemplate our previously slightly nomadic existence.

I think the longest we've lived anywhere was our house in Sawbo, where we lived for 2 1/2 years after we got married. So in no time at all, good ole 6G will be our most permanent home. Isn't that strange? I guess the cost and hassle of moving house with young boys will keep us in one place for a while!

Our rent only went up by 10%, which is very reasonable compared to friends whose rent increased 40%+.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Stones are funny

Look at moi, I'm parenting!

I love this blog. It's called 4 kids, 20 suitcases and a beagle. Today's post struck a chord with me, you might like to take a look.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Isn't it strange how everything Christmas-related in HK bears lashings of snow? I hear it's the same in Aus. The ever-fascinating Hong Kong Observatory website tells me that the last time it snowed in Hong Kong (I was quite amazed to hear that it ever has!) was back in 1975.

November has begun, and therefore in Starbucks all the cups are red, and all the staff are wearing badges saying "Let's Merry!" Your guess is as good as mine. And while we're on the topic, who wants a Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha?! Minging.

As always at this time of year, I suddenly realise it is November and start looking forward to bonfires and fireworks. Except of course Guy Fawkes Night is totally irrelevant here, and fireworks are illegal.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Count Felix

We had our first experience of Hallowe'en this year. Well, I say first, but somewhere in the dusty recesses of my memory, I think I recall a hallowe'en party at Frederick Mansfield's house...I remember it because our Nanny wouldn't let me go back into the house to get my RSVP because we were already late leaving for school. Anyway, I digress.

Hallowe'en is a big deal here, and I've spent the last two weeks telling everyone that it just doesn't exist in the UK, but Facebook evidence is ruining my credibility. It obviously does exist, and looks to be getting bigger and bigger. Maybe the point is that when we were kids, nobody went trick or treating for Hallowe'en (but it was a great excuse to buy some sweets - "just in case"). Actually we also used to buy a pumpkin to carve up sometimes.

We went to two parties - the first at Kiddy Village in Taikoo Shing The boys tried out their costumes - I was terrified that they'd be super lame, but actually they looked great! Amazing what face paints can do. Tayla came dressed as Elmo, and she was absolutely terrified of the boys...whoops. Aiden was a skeleton, Emma and Helene were a cat and a mouse, and Christopher was superman. We had lots of fun.

The second party was at PIPs, the pre school at Parkview (famed for being the location of a dastardly murder - as fictionalised, sorry I mean recorded in Never Enough, which I read faster than any other book in my life) The school's enormous, and we had a little party in the playground at the back. It was a MOMs party, so there were lots of twins there. It was good, but I think it would be infinitely improved by the addition of a few bottles of champagne. I'll record that in my notes for next year!

The weirdest thing about PIPs is that there's a little plastic playhouse in the corner of the playground, which contains a miniature urinal and a miniature toilet. They're real. Plumbed in. Flushing. Cute or bizarre? I was torn. The boys decided that it would be HILARIOUS to pick up stones, and drop them through the window of the little house. I can only assume that by this time the combination of running around, cupcakes, slides, games and too many kids had made them delirious. Ross took a video, I'll try to get hold of it.