Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Isn't it strange how everything Christmas-related in HK bears lashings of snow? I hear it's the same in Aus. The ever-fascinating Hong Kong Observatory website tells me that the last time it snowed in Hong Kong (I was quite amazed to hear that it ever has!) was back in 1975.

November has begun, and therefore in Starbucks all the cups are red, and all the staff are wearing badges saying "Let's Merry!" Your guess is as good as mine. And while we're on the topic, who wants a Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha?! Minging.

As always at this time of year, I suddenly realise it is November and start looking forward to bonfires and fireworks. Except of course Guy Fawkes Night is totally irrelevant here, and fireworks are illegal.

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