Monday, 30 March 2015

Pancake fun

A weekend in March

Strawberry picking at Rainbow Organic Farm near Fanling

Enjoying the sunshine at Inspiration Lake

Sevens 2015

The view from our roof down to the stadium on the Friday of sevens

Watching the rugby on the big screen at Cyberport (or cyverport as the boys call it)

Sunday morning in the HSBC rugby sevens village

The Red Hot Chili Pipers

In Aberdeen, waiting for the kai do to Lamma Island

On the way back, after yummy seafood lunch at the Lamma Hilton in Sok Kwu Wan, and a brisk walk to Mo Tat Wan

Joshy's face-paint

Sporting "Random Chic" as we set out for breakfast at Victoria Peak Gardens

Sunday, 1 March 2015

CNY at school

AIA Great European Carnival

Over half term, just before Chinese New Year, I took the boys to the fun but obscenely expensive Carnival. It cost about HK$300 for the three of us to get in, and then tokens cost $10 each. Most rides cost 4 tokens, so it added up quickly! $80 for 2 kids to go down the helter skelter (which took about 10 seconds) was a bit of a rip-off. Still, the boys had a great time and went on loads of rides by themselves.