Hong Kong to Jakarta
Jakarta to Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta to Jakarta
Jakarta to Makassar
Overnight bus to Tana Toraja - shudder
Tana Toraja to Makassar
Makassar to Manado
Manado to Makassar
Makassar to Jakarta
Jakarta to Hong Kong
The most important things to remember about Indonesia are:
1) it's HUGE - nearly 2 million square kilometres. Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world
2) Everything in Indonesia has at least two names - towns, hotels, people (I became Hannah at some point...)
3) It's a foolish person who thinks flip flops are suitable foot attire for the land where the squat 'n' mandi bathroom combo is king
4) By the time you leave Indonesia, you will be in many, many strangers' photos. Hello Mister! People are super-friendly, but it does get a bit wearing after the first hour of saying cheese
Dear Sarah!
ReplyDeleteWhen I glanced over this blog entry my first thought was you had written a poem in Indonesian, then I realised it was your travel itinerary. I should learn to read from the beginning!
Reading here makes me realise how simple my international English really is! A link to an explanatory English dictionary would be useful for your faithful non-native English reader!!! Miss having you here to explain the finer details of the English language and culture... but I enjoy reading up on your Asian cultural adventures! x