Monday, 17 December 2012

Interviews and Chrissy tree

In other news, the boys have got interviews at the ESF Hillside Kindergarten, which is great. The ESF schools provide English-language schooling for English-speaking children who can't access the local school system. Hillside Kindergarten got 770 applications for 176 places this year, mental isn't it?

They're interviewing 200 kids for those 176 places, so our chances are fairly good. On the one hand I would love them to go to ESF because it is easy to get to, relatively affordable, and gives them priority to get into the ESF primary and then secondary schools. On the other hand, they are starting City Kids 5 afternoons a week in January (they'll be Bumblebees!), and although it is ho ho ma fan to get to and from, I do love that place. It reminds me so much of being little. We went to a Christmas party there the other day and the boys made jingle bell bracelets, red and white hats, reindeer puppets and candy canes. They sang songs and Santa (Grandma Christmas, as J and F call him) gave all the kids a present. It was super cute, we had a great time.

This is Felix and Miss Radhiya 

Ross, enthralled by Grandma Christmas

Our tree!! at last

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