Monday 28 February 2011

Education, education, education

Activities this month have mostly revolved around education.

First off, we have:
Visit to Hillside, the ESF Kindergarten on Stubbs Road.

Ross and I went to visit the kindergarten on a very rainy, cold, un-Hong Kongy day a few weeks ago. We felt like complete frauds, because several people were there with their 2 or 3 year old kids, who actually might be coming to the school in the near future. I hoped that we could just keep quiet about how old our boys are....Anyway, we had a tour around, the headmaster talked extensively about the potential for morning plus afternoon sessions (at the moment it's either or, he's raised it to his supervisors, they're not interested, perhaps if you wrote to them something would happen. But no, at the moment it's either morning or afternoon, I suppose you could pay for both...but then your child will be repeating the session. I've raised it to my superiors. I suppose it's a possibility. Perhaps if you write to them....etc) The kids seemed happy, there was what looked like a fairly racially mixed group of kids, the facilities were spotless and seem brand new. Of course the mission statement sounded perfect, what's not to like?! well the chances of getting in for one thing...They had over 550 applications last year for 170 places. I'm wondering how we can wangle the sibling priority thing...maybe if we apply for Felix two days before we apply for Josh? I suspect that wouldn't work. Hmm.

Aberdeen Marina Club playroom (sorry, I mean Adventure Zone)
This was AWESOME. The boys had a fantasitc time. Another of the MOMS who's a member very kindly invited people to go along, so Vergenia and I took J&F. The playroom is huge, and just as well equipped as you'd expect.

Rolly Pollies Causeway Bay
We went here for a trial class. The boys were kind of scared of the guy who was running it, which was unfortunate. We sang some songs, then did an obstacle course. Josh was fine, but Felix's lack of crawling held him back somewhat...but he did start crawling properly after this class - apparently crawling up a slope makes them crawl properly, because they can't commando crawl up the slope. Anyway, I don't think we'll be going back.

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