Monday, 24 January 2011

Polysyllabic babbles

Felix is definitely Carmichael today as he's started saying "mamamamama". Awesome.

The boys spend lots of time in their baby zone (or cage, as Verginia calls it! ) we've sectioned off the end of the living room, and padded everything in sight. The window sill has some rather attractive yellow bumpers stuck to it, to protect small heads from marble ...the sill is just the right height for the boys to pull themselves upright on it, and they can stand looking out at the dixies and bah-sees for 5 or 10 minutes, just holding onto the ledge. Josh has also started "cruising" (I hate using that term) along the window sill.

The current favourite game is for me to sit in front of the high chairs with my eyes closed, and wait for one of them to touch my face. Then I "wake up" with a big BOO and tickle their knees!
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